Food Intolerances / Food Sensitivities
It is really important to understand food intolerances if you feel these are an issue for you.
The critical issue is how ‘strict’ you have to be about avoiding the food/foods to which you are intolerant.
If you have Coeliac disease, you have to be very strict about avoiding foods containing gluten. This is because gluten affects your whole body, and your whole immune system. There can be serious medical consequences if you continue to consume gluten.
The various other food intolerances do not usually require you to be so ‘strict’, as the consequences of consuming them are not usually so severe.
Food sensitivities can be due to:
- Gluten (the protein portion of some grains). It Is important to know if you have Coeliac disease
- Fructans (the carbohydrate portion of certain grains). Fructans are found in wheat, and are a FODMAP. It is really important to understand the difference between Fructans in wheat and gluten in wheat, and which of these is your issue.
- Other FODMAPs (Fermentable oligosaccharides, monosaccharides, disaccharides, polyols)
- Food chemicals that occur naturally in many (healthy) foods such as salicylates, amines and glutamates
- Food chemicals added in the food manufacturing process (these are identified by certain numbers on food packets)
Our Wahroonga dietitians can help you to sort through the maze of issues relating to food intolerances and sensitivities, so you can resolve them. Sue can help you finally understand which foods suit your body better and which ones do not really agree with you. Sue can also help you to work out how much of a food you might be able to add back into your diet.
Our Wahroonga dietitians can guide you on how to balance your diet, to ensure that you are not missing out on key nutrients, despite your food sensitivities.
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