At Wahroonga Dietitian we can assist with dietary advice relating to the following conditions
At Wahroonga Dietitian, we’re here to help you manage your health naturally, without relying on medication. Sue and Jennifer provide insights into how your food choices impact your condition and offer meaningful discussions to reshape your approach to food.
Food intolerances/food sensitivities
We offer guidance on a range of topics to help you better understand and manage your health through diet. These include food intolerances and sensitivities, such as natural food chemical intolerances, reactions to food additives, and issues like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or FODMAP intolerance. We also provide support for those dealing with gluten or wheat sensitivity, lactose intolerance, and coeliac disease, tailoring advice to suit your unique needs.
Gastrointestinal Issues and Diet
We provide tailored dietary advice to support the management of various gastrointestinal issues, including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis (both forms of inflammatory bowel disease), coeliac disease, and irritable bowel syndrome. Our guidance also focuses on the importance of dietary fibre and its role in gut health, as well as strategies to nurture a healthy gut microbiome through your food choices.
Weight Issues
We offer personalised dietary advice to help with a range of weight-related concerns, including managing your weight, supporting dietary needs before and after weight loss surgery, and addressing specific conditions such as PCOS and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. We also provide guidance for those trying to gain weight and offer tailored nutritional support for individuals managing their diet alongside cancer treatment.
Blood Sugars and Dietary Carbohydrates
We provide expert dietary guidance to help manage blood sugar levels and carbohydrate intake, including support for impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) or pre-diabetes, type II diabetes, and insulin resistance. Our advice is tailored to help you achieve better control and improve your overall health.
Heart Disease and Diet
We offer tailored dietary advice to support heart health, including managing blood lipids, improving blood pressure, and adopting a diet that helps reduce the risk of heart disease. Our guidance focuses on practical changes to promote long-term cardiovascular well-being.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and Diet
We provide personalised dietary advice for managing polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), focusing on nutrition strategies to help balance hormones, support weight management, and improve overall health and well-being.
Vegetarian and Vegan Eating
We offer expert guidance on vegetarian and vegan eating, helping you create balanced, nutritious diets that meet your health needs while aligning with your lifestyle and values.
Miscellaneous Health Issues and Diet
We provide dietary support for a variety of health concerns, including nutrition strategies for mental health, bone health, and liver disease. Additionally, we offer tailored advice on optimising your diet to support athletic performance and recovery.